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2024 - And Then, BOOM!  Kahoot Info and Resource Library 


Week 1: Pages 1-39

Week 2: 40 – 80

Week 3: 81 – 120

Week 4: 121 – 160

Week 5: 161 – 203

Week 6: 204 – end

Joe Oak is used to living on unsteady ground. His mom can’t be depended on as she never stays around long once she gets “the itch,” and now he and his beloved grandmother find themselves without a home. Fortunately, Joe has an outlet in his journals and drawings and takes comfort from the lessons of comic books—superheroes have a lot of “and then, boom” moments, where everything threatens to go bust but somehow they land on their feet. And that seems to happen a lot to Joe too, as in this crisis his friend Nick helps them find a home in his trailer park.



But things fall apart again when Joe is suddenly left to fend for himself. He doesn’t tell anyone he’s on his own, as he fears foster care and has hope his mom will come back. But time is running out—bills are piling up, the electricity’s been shut off, and the school year’s about to end, meaning no more free meals. The struggle to feed himself gets intense, and Joe finds himself dumpster diving for meals. He’s never felt so alone—until an emaciated little dog and her two tiny pups cross his path. And fate has even more in store for Joe, because an actual tornado is about to hit home—and just when it seems all is lost, his life turns in a direction that he never could have predicted.


Here is a STEM Challenge using the Dash Robot

This year, I'm offering a resource stuffed with activities for your students. Click here to view it. 


70 slide hyper-doc from @MsAmandaLong. Please give her a follow here.

Follow @MrsHipgrave for her yearly slow chat on Twitter 
Get ready, teachers! You can access an engaging activity designed for your class to learn coding by building an exciting game. Students, your mission is to catch 23 pups before the tornado sweeps in! Are you up for the challenge? Try the game first, then dive in and have some fun while learning!

Here a Whole Book BLOOKET
to Try - Have Fun!

© 2015, 2018, 2025 by Ryan Tindale

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