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2023 - Rover's Story Kahoot Info and Resource Library

Week 1: Pages 1 – 49
     "The First Day – Rove"
Week 2: Pages 50 - 99 
     "Family – Open"
Week 3: Pages 100 – 150 
     "Preparation – More Pictures"
Week 4: Pages 151 – 200
     "Move – Problem-Solving"
Week 5: Pages 201 – 246
     "A Solution – The Mesa"
Week 6: Pages 247 – end
     "Up – End"
Hashtag: #GRARover
For a free Blooket, search up mrtindaleddsb or by the title. If you're not signed in, this direct link doesn't often work. 
Can you beat 28 points?Try the game above.
Want to create this video game?  Check out the video below.
Here's a Chase Game. There is a link to the Scratch activity in the YouTube description. 
Here is a free coding activity I made. In the YouTube description, there is a link to Scratch that you can post right in your Google Classroom. 
Follow @MrsHipgrave for her yearly slow chat on Twitter 
Check this out - it's an interactive way to connect with each week's reading. Week one is linked herePlease thank Goh Gaik June in Singapore for more. 
Going on 6 years, my Kahoot Challenge will unfold the following way. 
1. Start my reading week one from Monday to Friday with your students. 
2. As you're starting week two, I will send a link to a hidden webpage where you can find the Kahoot and leaderboard Google Form for week one.
3. Play the Kahoot with your class. 
4. Enter your podium scores for the Kahoot in the Google Form before 5 p.m. EST on Wednesday of each week. 
5. Rinse and repeat for all 6 weeks.  

© 2015, 2018, 2025 by Ryan Tindale

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